Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Dressing Up for Halloween?

Can you guys believe that there are only 2 days left in the month?  That is crazy!  And it is supposed to start snowing here this weekend too so fall is really coming to an end.

Friday is Halloween.  What are you guys doing for the holiday?  Do you still dress up?

My parents have a party every year and this year the theme was monsters.  It was surprisingly harder to find good adult monster costumes than I thought it would be.  I ended up ordering my costume on Amazon and was a pink/green/white monster:

It was fun.  I will probably use my costume again for work on Friday, just for fun.

What are some good, fashionable costumes?  There are of course your Marilyn Monroes in the white dress, Audrey Hepburn from Breakfast at Tiffany's (speaking of which, did you see that the brownstone from the movie is currently on the market?  only $8 million to the lucky future resident).  But what are some other good, original ideas?

You could always be Twiggy.  That's another great icon that doesn't get as much play as the above stars:

If you were more current, you could be Lady Gaga or Nicki Minaj.  Between the two of them you probably could have costume ideas for the rest of you life!

It could also be a good year to do Miley Cyrus wrecking ball but everyone and their dog (literally) already played that one out when the video premiered:

I know that for little girls it is absolutely going to be the year for Frozen princesses.  There is no doubt about that one.

For adults, it is probably going to be the year for Maleficent.  Anyone that can actually pull off the Maleficent look has my stamp of approval, but if you're going to do it, you really need to do it.  That might be the ultimate costume, that I can think of, for this year.  Overall, it is a fairly simple costume, black dress, black wings, and a horned hat, but the hat needs to be spot on, it is what totally makes the costume.  That and the cheekbones.

And hey, if you are going all out on the Maleficent thing, you will totally need the Louboutins that Angelina and Louboutin collaborated on and she wore to the premiers right? ;)

Still need ideas?

Julep posted about 7 costumes you can make from things in your closet that are pretty clever.  I am in love with the Morton's salt girl.  They did a great job with that.  I am going to have to remember that for next year.  I have a yellow dress but not close enough of a match to pull this off like I would like.  Check out their ideas: Julep.

Source: Keiko Lynn

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